IPOs can give you wonderful returns if you get them right, but burn your money if you don’t. And that’s clearly shown in the trajectories of the companies that have listed since the COVID-induced market lows in March 2020. Because, while there were some big winners – like Cettire (ASX:CTT), Aussie Broadband (ASX:ABB) and Universal Stores (ASX:UNI), there were also some clear losers.
Capricorn Metals is a junior gold company that is entering an exciting time in its development phase. With the company very close to first gold pour and commissioning underway at its 100 per cent owned Karlawinda project in WA, we believe there is significant re-rating potential if the company successfully executes on targeted project metrics over the next 6-12 months.
Right now, inflation is the new bogey man. And it’s having an impact on equity markets. But is rising inflation just a blip caused by short-term bottlenecks in the supply of labour, or a long-term structural issue?