Investor Insights

Archive: June, 2020

June 26, 2020

Small businesses say JobKeeper works, but will its end be a sucker punch?

By Roger Montgomery

Nick Sundich published an article in Stockhead which discusses the assistance Jobkeeper is having on Australian companies.  Eighty-four per cent of small business owners reported the scheme allowed them to stay afloat. Nick comments on Roger’s concern that households and businesses will not be able to start paying their debt once the stimulus packages go away. Read here.
June 24, 2020

Stocking up is not a sign of optimism

By Roger Montgomery

In this article for the Herald Sun Roger discusses the current market status. Whether the current economic disaster can be repaired through the printing of money remains a multitrillion-dollar question. The same goes for whether it leads to inflation, or possibly hyperinflation after excess productive capacity is soaked up.
June 24, 2020

Is it about time we stopped paying tax?

In this article for the Herald Sun Andrew questions why we pay taxes. If the Fed can simply buy an infinite amount of government debt, then it must be true that the government can issue an infinite amount of debt. And if this is true, then government spending will be financed by the central bank.
June 23, 2020

Cloud megatrend with Gary Rollo

By Gary Rollo

Gary Rollo joined the EL&C Baillieu podcast to discuss what opportunities cloud computing holds. Cloud computing is a global megatrend that is being led by technology giants Microsoft, Amazon and Google in a market that is growing at 30 per cent per annum. But what does this mean for Australian companies?
June 22, 2020

Why has the stock market been so wild in 2020?

By Roger Montgomery

Roger joined Kylie Purcell to discuss the market crash at the beginning of the year, and why by April markets had rebounded on the expectation for a V shaped recovery.  The expectation for a V-Shaped economic recovery seems irrational.
June 15, 2020

Is the market crash the best time to buy stocks?

By Roger Montgomery

Roger joined Kylie Purcell on Pocket Money to discuss the volatile year we have seen so far for markets. Markets were expensive before COVID-19 and companies were at record PE ratios even though earnings estimates were declining. So where is the market going and what should new investors be looking for? Listen to the interview to find out.
June 2, 2020

Preparing for an alternative history

In this article for the Herald Sun Andrew identifies the economic cost from Australia’s ability to flatten the COVID-19 curve. If COVID-19 were not as bad as the forecasters led us to believe, did we need to impair the economy the way we did? Read here.  
June 2, 2020

Market support a very fluid concept

By Roger Montgomery

In this article for the Herald Sun Roger discusses the two camps when it comes to stock markets – the buyers and sellers and they typically have divergent views about the future. In the first camp are investors who believe economic activity, revenues and profits will recover easily and quickly.
June 1, 2020

What will stop the market returning to its highs?

By Roger Montgomery

In this article for Firstlinks Roger questions whether the markets have gone too far too soon.  Even as we talk of post-COVID-19 conditions, we are not yet certain the pandemic is under control, but it seems markets don’t need the problems to be solved and concluded, they merely need the worst to be behind them. Read here.


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